英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 14:24:58

cannot help but

英 [ˈkænɔt help bʌt]

美 [ˈkænɑt hɛlp bʌt]

动词不得不; 无奈

  • 网络解释

1. 不得不(接动词原形):cannot but 不得不,不会不 | cannot help but 不得不(接动词原形) | cannot help 不得不;忍不住

2. 禁不住:call for 要求 | cannot help but 禁不住 | capture the imagination of激起...的想象

3. cannot help but在线翻译

3. (不得不) 动词原形:cannot choose but(只得) | cannot help but(不得不) 动词原形 | not +动词原形


4. 最讨厌:最爱 Beauty | 最讨厌 cannot help but | 最大优点 Comminication,humor,

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

I cannot help but admit the truth of your remarks, although they go against my interests.(虽然你的言论违反我的利益,但我不得不承认你说的对。)
When mice are faced with many different foods to choose from, they too cannot help but overeat.(当老鼠面对各种食物可以自主选择时,它们也会忍不住吃得过多。)
Tonight, I cannot help but marvel at how far we have come together.(今晚,我不禁对双方交往的长足进展感到惊叹。)
Therefore, I cannot help but suspect that there are some contradictions here.(所以我不免有些怀疑这里头的矛盾。)
I cannot help but wondering what you have been telling them.(我一直在奇怪你到底跟他们说了些什么。)
This act of art is a true act of peace that everyone, regardless of religion, cannot help but admire.(这一行为艺术是真正的和平行为,任何人无论种族禁不住钦佩起来。)
He cannot help but from pities, but this kind of feeling was formerly has never had.(他不由自主的自怜起来,而这种感觉是以往从来没有过的。)
Let us all do the work of removing the barriers to our hearts, so that our love will be so strong, we cannot help but change the world.(让我们一起努力把我们内心的障碍清除,让我们的爱变得更加坚持,我们,我们将会改变这个世界。)
It looks so beautiful that I cannot help but to share with you.(它看起来是如此的美丽,因此我一定要与你们分享。)
That is why they cannot help but spend vast sums of money on cosmetics and fashionable clothing.(那就是为何她们会忍不住奖大笔金钱花在化妆品和流行服饰上的原因。)
cannot help but是什么意思 cannot help but在线翻译 cannot help but什么意思 cannot help but的意思 cannot help but的翻译 cannot help but的解释 cannot help but的发音 cannot help but的同义词